We first used to meet in a school classroom, and Christina walked up there for services on Sunday mornings. When the school raised the rent for the classroom beyond what the congregation could affor (from R30.00 a month to R200.00) we met in Christina’s house. That made it easier for her, because she was beginning to find the walk difficult. But it had some drawbacks — in a church building, the church is visible when it meets. In a classroom, it is less visible, and in a house, it’s almost invisible.

remarked that it was rather sad that an old lady should have
so many beautiful flowers when she was no longer around to enjoy them.
so many beautiful flowers when she was no longer around to enjoy them.

also got a new blanket as a pall to cover the coffin, and another old
ladyt in the congregation said, “Rather give me a blanket when I’m alive
and feel the cold.”
There are three cemeteries in Mamelodi, and while I had been to two of them before, it was the first time I had been to this one, rather unfortunately placed next to a municipal rubbish dump. I was struck by the number of recent graves. A few, like Christiana, had lived long lives, but so many have died relatively young, in their 30s and 40s.
With the saints give rest, O ChristSee also
To the soul of Thy servant
Where sickness and sorrow are no more
Neither sighing, but life everlasting.
Thou only art immortal
Who hast created and fashioned man
For out of the earth were we mortals made
And unto the same earth shall we return again
As Thou didst command when Thou madest me, saying unto me:
For dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return
Whither we mortals all shall go
Making our funeral dirge the song:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Memory eternal! Memory eternal!
May her memory be eternal!
Segopotšo ka go sa felego!
A gopolwe ka go sa felego!
We and the spirits of the departed
In Search of Orthodoxy (tag)
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