From Lives of the Saints / January 8
Martyr Theophilus the Deacon, in Libya
Saint Theophilus the deacon suffered with Saint Helladius. After confessing Christ before the governor of Libya, they were tortured and slain.

Martyr Helladius, in Libya
Saint Helladius suffered with Saint Theophilus the deacon. After confessing Christ before the governor of Libya, they were tortured and slain.
Troparion & Kontakion
Martyr Julian at Antinoe in Egypt
His Life
The Holy Martyr Julian was born in the Egyptian city of Antinoe, and to satisfy his parents he entered into marriage with the noble and rich maiden, Basilissa. Though married, the spouses remained virginal. Upon the death of their parents they built two monasteries: one for men, and one for women. They themselves became monastics and headed these monasteries.
In the year 313, during the reign of Diocletian, Saint Julian suffered cruelly for his faith in Christ. By his bravery he converted Celsius, the son of his torturer the hegemon Marcian, and his wife, Marionilla. Having resurrected a dead pagan, the saint also converted him. The converts received Baptism from the priest Anthony. In Baptism the pagan was named Anastasius (i.e. “Resurrected”). After being locked in prison, they all received the crown of martyrdom, won through beheading by the sword. Also with them were twenty soldiers and seven youths.
Martyr Basilissa at Antinoe in Egypt. Saint Basilissa suffered martyrdom with Saint Julian in 313.
Martyr Marcionilla at Antinoe in Egypt. Saint Marcionilla was the wife of the hegemon Marcian, who was converted by Saint Julian the martyr.
Martyr Celsus at Antinoe in Egypt. Saint Celsus was the son of Saints Marcian and Marcionilla. He suffered martyrdom with Saint Julian in 313.
Martyr Anthony at Antinoe in Egypt. Saint Anthony was a priest, who baptized the converts martyred with Saint Julian in 313.
Martyr Anastasius at Antinoe in Egypt. Saint Anastasius was one of the converts martyred with Saint Julian.
Martyred 7 Children at Antinoe in Egypt. These holy martyrs suffered with Saint Julian in the fourth century.
Martyred 20 Soldiers at Antinoe in Egypt. These holy martyrs suffered with Saint Julian in 313.
Venerable Elias the Hermit, of Egypt
His Life: Saint Elias the Egyptian became a monk and pursued asceticism for seventy-five years on a desolate mountain in a cave. He died in the fourth century at the age of 110.
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