Orthodox Women Saints
Womens' Orthodox Blogs
Male and Female Created He Them...
The African Woman & the role of Woman in Orthodox Church: she must become the light of the world
Union of Orthodox Church Mothers in Uganda
Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria
One Woman's Revolution: St. Philothei of Athens, 1522-1589
When the Orthodox Church celebrates pregnancy...
Third Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers (&: Mothers conference in Orthodox Diocese of Kisumu, Kenya)
Sunday of the Samaritan woman (5th Sunday of Pascha): "Close to God is he who in his daily life becomes the light of Christ who enlightens his neighbours..."
Mother of God (Virgin Mary), Orthodox Church and African peoples
Orthodox Nuns from all the World
Saint Melania the Roman of Africa (December 31)
I salute the brave women of the Orthodox community of Ivory Coast // Je salue les braves femmes de la communauté Orthodoxe de Côte d'Ivoire // .وإنني أحيي النساء الشجعان في المجتمع الأرثوذكس في كوت ديفوار
Icons: Saint Syncletica of Alexandria, st Catherine the Great Martyr and st Nina, Apostle of Georgia.
Womens' Orthodox Blogs
Male and Female Created He Them...
The African Woman & the role of Woman in Orthodox Church: she must become the light of the world
Union of Orthodox Church Mothers in Uganda
Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria
One Woman's Revolution: St. Philothei of Athens, 1522-1589
When the Orthodox Church celebrates pregnancy...
Third Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers (&: Mothers conference in Orthodox Diocese of Kisumu, Kenya)

Mother of God (Virgin Mary), Orthodox Church and African peoples
Orthodox Nuns from all the World
Saint Melania the Roman of Africa (December 31)
I salute the brave women of the Orthodox community of Ivory Coast // Je salue les braves femmes de la communauté Orthodoxe de Côte d'Ivoire // .وإنني أحيي النساء الشجعان في المجتمع الأرثوذكس في كوت ديفوار
Icons: Saint Syncletica of Alexandria, st Catherine the Great Martyr and st Nina, Apostle of Georgia.
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