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Τρίτη 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2017
Domestic Violence and Poverty in Africa: When the Husband’s Beating Stick is Like Butter
World Bank / Africa can According
to the latest statistics, 51% of African women report that being
beaten by their husbands is justified if they either go out without
permission, neglect the children, argue back, refuse to have sex, or
burn the food. This is startling.
To be sure, the numbers reflect attitudes, not incidence. About one
third of African women report to have experienced domestic violence
(physical or sexual). But the attitudes are arguably even more
pernicious. They shape behavior, reflect social norms toward conflict
resolution, also outside the home, and could bear importantly on
development and poverty reduction. They are also correlated with the
incidence of violence. In assessing people’s poverty status and
well-being, a much more systematic discussion of the acceptance and
incidence of domestic violence is called for.
So, what has been happening to women’s attitudes and incidence towards
domestic violence following Africa’s hopeful economic turn-around? Two
decades of systematic data collection through the Demographic and Health Surveys make it possible to examine this. The latest Poverty in a Rising Africa report summarizes the findings.
In some ways, the news is good. The prevalence of both acceptance and
incidence of domestic violence declined by about 10 percentage points
between the first (2000-6) and second half (2007-2013) of the 2000s.
But that can only be the beginning. At 51%, acceptance of domestic
violence is still exceptionally high, and more than twice the average in
the rest of the developing world. With 20% of women in North America
reporting to have been affected by domestic violence, domestic violence
also remains an issue worldwide.
Yet acceptance is not uniform across countries. It appears deeply
ingrained in some societies (77% acceptance rates in Mali and Uganda);
in others, only a minority consents (13% in Malawi, 21% in Mozambique).
The link with a country’s overall level of development (or household
income within countries) is weak; acceptance rates are only 7.6
percentage points lower in upper middle and high income countries,
controlling for other country traits. (See the Figure below, which shows
that acceptance of domestic violence is greater among younger women,
uneducated women, and women in resource-rich and fragile states.)
On the other hand, acceptance is 16 percentage points higher in resource
rich countries. This once again underscores the stark human development
penalty of being born in a resource rich country: life expectancy is
4.5 years lower; illiteracy rates are 3.1% higher, and female adults
and children are 3.7 and 2.1% more likely to be undernourished
respectively (controlling for other country and household traits).
Tolerance of domestic violence is also 9.2 percentage points higher
among women in fragile states. Social norms toward domestic violence and
political violence can and should not be seen in isolation. The cross
country correlation coefficient with the incidence of casualties from
political violence is 0.4.
Source: Poverty in a Rising Africa, 2016. Note: Results are from
ordinary least squares regression. All estimated coefficients are
statistically significant.
What about the future? Unsurprisingly, the main distinguishing factor in
acceptance of domestic violence is education, much more so than income,
or even age. Highly-educated women are 31% less likely to be tolerant
of domestic violence than women with no education, and women with
secondary education are 16% less likely to be tolerant.
Education does, however, not automatically translate in a lower
incidence of domestic violence. In fact, women with primary and
secondary education are more likely to have experienced domestic
violence than uneducated women, among whom incidence rates are (ceteris
paribus) similar to rates among women with higher education, a puzzle
which deserves further inquiry.
Income also reduces tolerance of domestic violence, though disturbingly, tolerance is greater among younger women! It declines
with age. Might this be because its incidence rises as women get older,
as the data show that domestic violence is more common in the 20-35 age
group than among the 15-19 age group?
The issue of gender-based violence has been creeping up the policy
agenda over the past couple of years, not least because of the much more
systematic data now available. This attests in no small way to one of
the undercurrents in the Poverty in a Rising Africa report, which is
that what isn’t measured, does not get attention. The hope now is that
these data will also be used more systematically to shed light on the
evolution of the attitudes and incidence of domestic violence and that
such discussions will indeed become part and parcel of any national,
regional or global assessment of poverty.
The understanding of poverty cannot be relegated to the monetary realm
only. Furthermore, social norms that condone violence, also perpetuate
it. With younger women still substantially more tolerant of domestic
violence, a generational shift in mindset is, unfortunately, yet to
come. Before the husband’s beating stick no longer feels like butter, as
a saying in Amharic would hold, a long way lies ahead.
blog is part of a series reflecting on the findings of the 2016 World
Bank Report “Poverty in a Rising Africa." Next in the series: poverty
differences within African households on Jan 25, 2016. Previous blogs in
the series include:
to see violence addressed here. Insofar as the non-linear relationship
between education and IPV, the field generally has found the same
inverted U relationship across a number of studies in various LMIC--so
your puzzle should actually be expected. Take for example, the summary
by Lori Heise and Emma Fulu in "State of the field of violence against
women and girls: What do we know and what are the knowledge gaps?": "Evidence suggests that the relationship between the level of
education that a woman achieves and her risk of violence is non-linear.
High educational attainment is associated with lower levels of both
perpetration and victimization of partner violence, but women with
minimal schooling generally have a lower risk of violence than women
with slightly more schooling (Cools and Kotsadam 2014). Jewkes argues
that the likely reason for the inverted U shaped relationship between
schooling and violence is that women with the least exposure to
schooling probably challenge their partners less and therefore trigger
less abuse (Jewkes 2002). The protective effect of education does not
appear to take hold until women complete secondary school or enter
university. It may be that at this level, women’s exposure to new ideas,
broader social networks, and new skills are sufficient to shift the
balance of power in relationships to reduce risk of violence." here.
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