Orthodox Metropolis of ZambiaThe feast of the
Entry of the Holy Theotokos into the temple is a marvelous model of our
entry into the Heavenly Kingdom. The church itself symbolizes the
Kingdom of God on earth. In church we see the altar table, which is like
a throne on which the Lord God sits, just as He does on His heavenly
throne. In church, through the partaking of holy communion, we become
united with the Lord Himself. In church, as in heaven, we are surrounded
by hosts of angels and saints. In church, by means of the divine
services we glorify God, as do the angels and saints in heaven.
When the righteous Joachim and Anna brought the Holy Virgin to the temple, they offered to the Lord a gift that was most pure.
So should we, in order to enter the Heavenly Realm, be absolutely pure,
because the Lord Himself said that nothing unclean can enter the
Kingdom of God. But we can cleanse ourselves of our sins and all manner
of spiritual impurity only through the sacrament of penitence, through
confession and communion.
As the righteous parents of the Holy
Virgin prepared to take Her to the temple, they first dressed Her in
royal garments, adorned Her, and provided Her with an escort of maidens
carrying lighted candles. So should we, in order to enter the Heavenly
Realm, first clothe our souls in the garment of obedience to the Lord’s
commandments, adorn our souls with virtues, and accompany them with the
lighted candles of prayer and charity.
Upon arriving at the
temple, the 3-year-old Infant Mary had to make an effort to ascend 15
high steps in order to enter the temple. So should we, in order to enter
the Heavenly Realm, make the effort to ascend the ladder of virtues, to
labor at fasting and prayer. The Holy Virgin went up the steps by
Herself, without any help from others, but with the miraculous help of
God. So should we, in our attempt to attain the Heavenly Realm, make the
effort ourselves, but constantly asking God for help along the way.
Such is the lesson we receive from this wondrous holiday! The Holy
Mother of God, by entering the temple, clearly shows us the Way, and
through the earthly temple lies the way into the heavenly temple, the
Kingdom of God. Let us follow the Holy Theotokos into the temple, into
the church. Now is the time of the Nativity fast, a time for preparing
oneself to greet the Saviour on earth, a time for purifying oneself
through fasting, prayer and repentance, a time of increased church
attendance. Let us not pass by this important period of time, for from
this holiday, and throughout the entire Nativity fast, we will hear in
church the joyous tidings of our coming salvation, we will hear the
joyous appeal: “Christ is born – glorify Him!”

The Entry of the
Holy Theotokos into the Temple is one of the twelve major church feasts
and is numbered among those that affect our salvation. What takes place
on this day? The three-year-old Child, the Most-holy Virgin Mary, is
brought by Her parents to the temple of Jerusalem. She is placed on the
temple steps and, moved by Divine revelation, the high priest Zacharias
comes out to Her and leads Her into the Holy of Holies – the place where
God Himself was mysteriously present, the place which no man could ever
enter except the high priest, who, moreover, went in only once a year
and not without sacrificial blood. And it is precisely this place, the
Holy of Holies, which the Virgin Mary enters, invisibly carrying within
Herself a new, living sacrifice – the forthcoming Christ, Saviour of the
world, Who will sacrifice Himself in order to deliver all men from sin
and death.Photo: the reast of Theotokos in the holy diocese of Arusha, Tanzania (here)
This holiday is “wondrous,” as sings the Church, not
finding words to express the inexpressible joy, hope and expectation
which commence with today’s event.
From a mysterious and
grace-filled seed there will grow up a new covenant between God and man.
The Saviour’s most-pure, animate temple – the Most-holy Maiden,
precious bridal chamber, sacred treasure of God’s glory – is led into
the Lord’s temple. And She brings with Her the foreshadowing of God’s
goodwill to all of mankind, the beginning of a new covenant between God
and man, the end of the many centuries of man’s alienation from God, and
the end of our bondage to sin. Only a brief time remains, only several
more years, for the fulfillment of that which the entire humanity awaits
– the appearance of God Himself in the flesh, by way of the Most-holy
She will be brought up in God’s temple – a place of
holiness, purity and the power of God. She will be nourished by Divine
grace, in order to become capable of containing Divinity Itself, so that
the mystery of God’s incarnation could take place through Her. She must
become used to conversing with the angels, in order to harken to the
Archangel Gabriel’s glad tidings. She must encompass God within Her
heart, in order to truly become a new temple of God.
We are all
familiar with the words of the Apostle Paul: “Know ye not that ye are
the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any
man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of
God is holy, which temple ye are.” This mystery is revealed to us
because we are called upon to become the temples of God, and this is the
reason for today’s celebration.
Today’s feast reminds us of the
unique significance of man-made temples (i.e. churches). Let us ponder
today: what is a church of God? When we come here today to celebrate the
feast, we not only participate in wondrous hymn-singing, but we touch
upon eternity, which is always present in a church of God. And nothing
else in life makes sense except in the light of eternity. We should
ponder this and repent of how often we remain deaf and blind to these
great mysteries, and reject God’s gifts.
The Church cannot save
us by itself. For our salvation we must actively participate in church
life. The Lord calls upon us today to think of this, and to see the
sinful condition in which each one of us lives. The Lord continues to
await our repentance. He continues to patiently tolerate our detrimental
lack of faith, and continuously wishes to enfold us within His grace,
in order that we may be saved from the terrible misfortunes that are
coming upon the world.
And we know that the Most-holy Virgin
Mary, Mother of the suffering mankind that is being destroyed by its
sins, will surely intercede for all those who appeal to Her with faith
and love, and who offer their lives unto Her.
Let us thank God
that our churches are still standing, and that the Lord and the Mother
of God are present in them along with us. We magnify Thee, O Most-holy
Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and we honor Thine Entry into the Temple of
the Lord.
The feast of the Entry of the Holy Virgin Mary, the
Mother of God, into the temple is a feast of the Church itself. It is
also a feast of all of us, because the Holy Virgin, ascending the steps
of the temple of Jerusalem, presages not only Her future life, Her
ascension into the Holy of Holies, but also presages the affiliation of
mankind with Christ’s way of the cross and with His Resurrection. This
feast tells us that the Mother of God, Who now enters the Holy of
Holies, is even greater than the Holy of Holies. By the grace of God She
is more honorable than the cherubim and beyond compare more glorious
than the seraphim. She is above all creation. And not only by the grace
of God, but by the hope of all of mankind, which has rushed towards this
light, towards this holy of holies, towards this focal point of life
and the source of life itself – the Lord – through the darkness of ages,
through all sorrows, through all the sins and horrors of history.

The entry of the Most-holy Mother of God into the Holy of Holies is
revealed to us as the path each one of us must take. It has been said:
“The virgins that follow Her shall be brought unto the king, Her
companions shall be brought unto Thee” (Psalm 45:14). This has been said
about every person and primarily about children. For this reason
children participate in a special way in today’s feast along with us.
This is always very joyful, because if everyone were to participate in
what the Lord gives us, our entire being would be transformed. The
salvation which the Lord grants us depends on our offering of our
children and on our own lives. It also depends primarily on how we lead
our children through life, for what we prepare them and to what we
actually dedicate them. What Joachim and Anna did was a great labor of
love. Having been barren their entire life, they gave up their sole
daughter. They gave Her to God, dedicated Her to the Lord, as though
they separated Her from themselves, in order that She belong entirely to
God alone.
What Joachim and Anna have done, offering to God the
fruit of their prayers, far exceeds any spiritual labors that we could
set up as an example. But let us ponder the following: often we find
ourselves in a situation similar to these people – Joachim and Anna, –
when misfortune befalls us, when we are in need, when we are ready to
promise the Lord everything, say all kinds of words of love, just so He
would help us, would deliver us from such a state. And then sorrow
passes, need passes. But when the time comes to fulfill our promise, we
begin to vacillate. We begin to delay the fulfillment of our own words:
“I will definitely do this, Lord, only I pray Thee, do such-and-such for
me, what I ask of Thee…”. And for this reason our life turns out to be
barren. It is barren not in terms of childlessness (although that may
also be possible), but in a deeper and more significant sense.
Thinking about this, we should pray today to the Lord and the Mother of
God that we may be granted the grace of understanding that we have a
true life, that we may be aware that the event which the Church
celebrates today is the entry of the holy 3-year-old maiden into the
Holy of Holies and Her sanctification by the grace of God for Her future
encompassing of God the Word. And all of this for the fulfillment of
the sacrament of God’s incarnation and for our salvation, which is
already coming to pass. For it is not in vain that we sing:“Christ is
born – glorify Him, Christ descends from heaven – meet ye Him.”
Remember that our salvation has actually come to pass already, and it is
not only a remembrance. Over and over again we are given the Lent and
the approach to the Nativity of Christ in order for our life to become
truly more profound, truly deepen with the knowledge of the one unique
mystery – that God has become man, that He is present in the life and
destiny of each one of us. He always hears our every prayer, because
there is no longer that curse which used to hang over every person,
there is no longer that inescapable and ineffaceable stamp of evil which
tainted mankind before Christ’s incarnation. The way to heaven is open
to every person. We must only desire and want genuine truth, genuine
beauty, and the light which had once shone for us, the light which the
Lord sometimes gives back to us, and without which everything becomes
What can we bring to the Lord on this feast day?
The parents of the Most-holy maiden Mary – Joachim and Anna – brought
Him their own child, but what shall we give the Lord? Does the One to
Whom belongs the entire earth and before Whom all the stars in heaven
shine need the candles and the vigil lights which we offer to God? They
are needed only to testify to the meaningfulness of our prayers and our
standing before God. There are no other sacrifices which we can offer
Him except one, of which He says: “Son, give Me thy heart,” because our
heart is the only thing which does not yet fully belong to Him. He has
given us His own heart and wishes us to give Him ours. He, Who loves us
and gives all of Himself for us, is waiting for our love in return.Let
us pray to God that we may learn this love. Every person understands
what reciprocal love is, and how terrible is unrequited love. It is
precisely love which each person needs, every human soul needs. And the
Lord Himself needs us to love Him with all our heart, all our thoughts,
all our strength, our entire life. And to love God means to keep His
commandments, as He Himself has said. Only when we keep His commandments
can we learn what this all means and of what kind of love Christ is
speaking. Only then can we learn this love and be worthy of the Lord, be
able to stand up for Christ’s honor in this world where childhood,
purity, and sanctity are being defiled. And this we can accomplish only
when we go to church and receive God’s grace there, which is always
given as long as we are turned towards the Lord.
Let us entreat
the Lord for this incorruptible wealth, which He bountifully grants to
all of us by the prayers and intercession of the Holy Theotokos. Let us
also entreat Him for the ability to respond to His immeasurable gifts
with our love, our entire life, the offering of our children to Him. And
most precious of all – the unity which we achieve through Him. Amen.