Τετάρτη 11 Απριλίου 2018

Orthodox Easter with Father Konstantinos in Kenya

Promachos (Απρ 3, 2018)
Sofia Kioroglou
Father Konstantinos is doing a marvelous job in Kenya but he needs everyone’s support. Severe drought has adversely affected his feeding project and  has hindered the progress of his undertaking. He has just issued a plea for help. I hope people will respond to his request by helping tangibly his feeding project.

Message from our dear Father Konstantinos to all of us 

Service to man is service to God.Let us sing a new song to the lord.
I once more request you with your kindness and love… Visit our mission website:http://www.stireneorthodoxmission.org/donate/and see the burden on my shoulders and join hands with me by donating to our PayPal account.I offer food,clothes,shelter, medical care and education to 160 children.
Severe drought has really affected my mission work.
The price of commodities in the market has doubled….please consider donating and you will be blessed.
As Easter Approaches let us celebrate together with the poor and needy in St Irene Orthodox mission orphanage.

Yours Fr Constantino’s Eliud Muthiru
This is how Orthodox Easter is celebrated in Kenya 

In April we will celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ: the only person through whom we are reconciled to God. Easter in Kenya is celebrated according to the Julian Calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Church, rather than on the date used in Catholic, Protestant, and other Western churches that use the Gregorian Calendar. “Orthodox Easter” often, but not always, occurs a little later in the year than does non-Orthodox Easter.
This year the Orthodox churches celebrate Easter on the Sunday after Roman Catholics and Protestants mark the holy festival. The Western Christian church follows the Gregorian calendar, while the Eastern Orthodox uses the older Julian calendar and the two Easters are often weeks apart

Does the Orthodox community celebrate Easter with colorful dyed Easter eggs? 

In the Orthodox tradition, eggs are a symbol of new life. Early Christians used eggs to symbolize the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which thus signifies the rebirth of all believers. The Orthodox custom is to dye Easter eggs a deep red color. The red represents life, victory and the blood of Jesus Christ. At Greek-Orthodox Easter parties, a game called tsougrisma (pronounced TSOO-grees-mah) is commonly played using the red dyed eggs.

A quick lesson on how to play tsougrisma:

Each player selects a red egg and finds an opponent. (Choose wisely!)
One person has to say, “Chistos Anesti” (Christ has risen)… The other replies, “Alithos Anesti” (Indeed He has risen).
The person who said “Christos Anesti” taps the end of his or her egg lightly against the end of the opponent’s egg. (The goal is to crack the opponent’s egg.)
When one end is cracked, the winner uses the same end of her or his egg to try to crack the other end of the opponent’s egg.
The player who successfully cracks the eggs of the other players is declared the winner and, it is said, will have good luck during the year.
1 Dollar can buy an egg for the kids to play tsougrisma.

See also

Christ is Risen (in Africa)! Orthodox Holy Easter (Pascha): the resurrection of the race of mankind
"These African faces are the new faces of the Orthodox Church"
Serving the Least of the Brethren 
Together in Christ – Articles from the Team of "Orthodox Africa"

Orthodox Kenya 

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